Friday, October 10, 2014

Brooks William, 3 Months Old

Okay, so Brooks will actually be 4 months old tomorrow... so this post is a little late! Our world has been spinning at an unprecedented pace since his arrival (and its not even his fault!), so I am way behind in many things!  One of these days, I may even blog about all that. HA. HA. HA!

I did, however, manage to squeeze in 3-month portraits of baby #3.  I just haven't had time to edit, print, or post them!  I am making time tonight on this Friday evening as I listen to Lion King in the background and the "big boys" finish up their pizza.

 Brooks is 14 lbs and 25 inches, which puts him in the 64th percentile for height and 30th percentile for weight. If he keeps up at this rate, he will be right in between his brothers!
 He is just a delightful baby.  He goes with the flow, which in this household is anything but easy-going!  We are always running from one thing to the next and he graciously goes along and greets everyone with his precious smile.

 He rolls over both from back to tummy and tummy to back, but so far hasn't used it as a mode of transportation except for just about a 2-foot radius from where I put him...I know it won't be long before he rolls across the room! He also sleeps through the night... which I am still scared to say out loud because #1 slept through the night at age 4 YEARS and #2 is still waking up at least once every night.  Surely this will not last, but in the mean time I am saying THANK YOU, LORD! He knew just what I needed!
 He looooves his hands, Sophie the Giraffe, laughing with his brothers, and talking to (and over) Daddy. Eating would rank pretty high on his last as well, although we have JUST in the last couple of weeks been able to go 4 hours between each feeding (6-7 at night).
 His smile is contagious! It takes over his entire little body and you just can't possibly have a bad day when that sweet little face is smiling up at YOU.
 I am so proud of every little roll on his body!  He was such a tiny little thing when he was born and we worked HARD to put that fat on him!  It suits him :)
   Brooks William, you are the perfect addition to our family!  You are loved unconditionally by your mommy, daddy, and brothers!  You light up our life and we can't believe that we ever lived without you :) I feel so privileged to be your mommy & watch you grow & learn.  I pray every day that you will continue to grow healthy & strong in our Lord.  I love you to the moon & back!

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